
Micro Balancer NB103

Micro Balancer


Model NB-103 Micro Balancer is a belt driving type designed speacially for testing and correcting the balance condition of the small rotating workpieces. If necessary, an additional joint device can be added to this unit though a sepatate order.

If you are interested to Micro Balancer, please feel free to contact us for more information.
Standard Specifications
Weight Range Of Workpiece 0.1-3kg
Weight dia 200mm Max For Rotor / 400mm Max For Fan & Blower
Journal dia 20mm Max
Distance between bearings 300mm Max
Balancing Speed 600-5000RPM
Drive motor
Special Features:
  1. Micro Balancer with Flashing light system. The unblance angel is easy to be located.
  2. The filter has the sensitive feature,that will eliminate the outcoming vibration influence.
  3. Micro Balancer equiped with filter frequence check function which can reserve the accuracy of filting frequency.
  4. Two amplifier and two amount meters indicate the unblances of both left and right planes separately at the same time.
  5. Micro Balancer with Integrated circuit, which assure longer life and greater reliability.

For the balance and correction of roating parts of fans, electric phonographs, recorders, fruit juicers, blowers, small motors, and textile machines, etc.